Protect Your Investment and Avoid Disputes

We Provide Comprehensive Land Buying Services in Bangladesh

Land and Real Estate

Our legal team is well-versed in handling a wide range of land and real estate matters. Whether you’re a bank, company, or individual, we have the expertise to help you navigate the legal complexities of acquiring and protecting property in Bangladesh. Our services include:

Our dedicated team thoroughly examines all the necessary documents to confirm the ownership and title of a property. We check for any discrepancies or risks and provide legal solutions if needed. 

We conduct searches with various government authorities such as the Assistant Commissioner (Land), Sub-Registry Office, Record Room, RAJUK, and Ministry of Land to verify the authenticity of the property documents provided by the seller.

Our lawyers then provide you with a written report outlining any issues and the next steps to take.

Poor drafting is often the cause of land-related disputes. Our lawyers are skilled at drafting all the necessary legal documents, including sales agreements, saf kabala deeds(registered deed of sale), agreements for land development, power of attorney, and mortgages, to ensure everything is done correctly and to avoid any future hassles.

If you are planning to obtain loans by mortgaging your property, drafting the deeds by skilled lawyers is a must to avoid future hassles and costs.

Our lawyers regularly draft Agreements for Sale (Baina Deed), Sale Deeds, Declaration of Heba Deed, Heba-Bel-Ewaj Deed, Gift Deed, Deed of Exchange, Deed of Mortgage, Lease Deed, Agreement For Land Development, Flat Purchase Agreement, etc. meeting all the legal requirements.

Our team is equipped to handle a wide variety of land-related litigation in different courts in Bangladesh. We conduct title suits, partition suits, and more in the Judges’ Courts. Our High Court’s team regularly conduct Civil Revision, First Appeal, First Miscellaneous Appeal, Writ Petition etc. in connection to land dispute. They are equipped with experience and case laws for handling cases in the High Court Division.

At AinPal, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive and efficient services to help you secure your property and protect your rights. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.

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